Steps to Reference for finding job in Singapore

Singapore, the Deep Forest


This article is intended for the people who are going to and/or seeking job in Singapore. Before coming here, before making a job hunt, it is needed to understand the situation and condition of Singapore.

I have named this article as Singapore, the Deep Forest. We, the Myanmar, come here for hunting a job. Of course the prey is a job. We have a lot of preparations, professional, academic, language, knowledge, and add-on qualifications. These will be your arrows to shoot your prey, a job. The second thing you need to hunt is a bow. The enthusiasm, interest, inspiration and motivation perform to be a bow to hit the target. Moreover, the hunter must know the forest well. How it is like? This article enhances you, the hunter, as a map of the Deep Forest, Singapore. When you lost the way, consult it.

This is a first version and will be more editions and update. So if you have anything to add, just send an email to You comment, suggestion and advice on this issue are highly appreciated. Your feedback is necessary for future editions.

I hope this article can find you helping in anyway.

1) Preparation Before going

2) Visa Application

3) Buying Air ticket

4) Departing from YGN and Arrival to SG

5) Start Living SG

6) Job Hunting Technique and recommended daily life

7) Stay Extension (ICA/MOM)

8) Accepting Appointment

9) SPass Application and Collection

10) Opening an Bank Account

1. Preparation before Coming down here

  1. Do all notrial Translation as necessary, MOFA seal will be required.
  2. Collect all documents in softcopy/hardcopy (better to scan all and store in HDD for softcopy)
  3. Notrial Translation of Driving License is necessary and need to bring along an original one. But IDP (International Driving Permit) is not necessary.
  4. Make sure your accommodation has been arranged.
    1. You will need the media while hunting job. So make sure
    2. how long and how earliest you can use internet
    3. Will you have home ph or hand phone or both (hp is REALLY necessary)
    4. how earliest you can get a daily newspaper in SG
    5. is it convenience to use fax, printer, and photocopier where u settle in SG
  5. Prepare fairly expressed cover letter and nice presented CV form attached with good-looking Photo
  6. How much $$$$$ will you bring there?
  7. Consider to bring from Myanmar or get from SG about clothing, household things, personal accessories, regularly taken medicine etc…
  8. Don’t forget to bring your Confident

2. Visa Application

For the Visa Application the following will be needed:

  1. Valid Passport
  2. SG PR invitation letter [Appendix A-FormV39I]
  3. SG PR Card Copy
  4. Letter of Introduction [Appendix B-FormV39A]
  5. Onward and Return Air Ticket Copy (optional)
  6. A Passport photo
  7. 13FEC (Not $)
  8. Evidence of current employment in Myanmar (A tut lot lo ya dal)
  9. Filled form 14 (u can get FOC at embassy but need to familiar to fill it before applying) [it is OK even PR do not fill and sign in that form] [Appendix C-Form14]
  10. Wait 3 working days

N.B if u cannot get PR invitation in time, consult with the following address

No 18, Room 8, 1st Floor,

38th Street, Kyauktada Twonship,

Ph 385521, Email:

3) Buying Air ticket

Consult wi
th the traveling agent. If there is any Discount, Refund rates etc!!! Here is my choice. Because I got about 180FEC refund

YGN-SG Silk Air 200++

SG-YGN MAI (one year return ticket) 200++

4) Departing from YGN and Arrive in SG

Departing from YGN Airport

i. Make sure you have done DFrom (NRC Card, Household Certificate, Passport-org and copy will be needed for DForm )

ii. Check the check-in time and departure time

iii. Max Kg limited. Check before going to Airport. I think 30Kg is max for Baggage

iv. Check which items are not allowed carrying

v. Do not carry, bakery item as hand carry. Let yourself. ever looking smart throughout your flight

During the flight

i. Eat enough while in flight coz you will never know when you have your meal after arriving

ii. Do not be drunk

iii. Answer nature’s call before landing.

iv. Neatly fill your White Card and make sure to bring along will you when you go off from plane

Arrive in SG

i. Don’t get lost in the terminal building

ii. Make sure your Passport, White Card, (sometime Return Air ticket, PR invitation, Boarding Pass) are in order and get ready to show out to immigration controller

iii. Choose uncrowned immigration controller, queue up and be smart in front of him. Answer neatly.

iv. Check the belt no. for baggage claim.

v. Go out and you are welcomed by your friends

vi. Free Local Phone Call is available at the Airport but it is before the immigration check point (After Check point also have). If you want to ph to your friend, do it before passing the immigration check point

5. Start Living SG

  1. Get EZ-link card as soon as possible. It is used for paying fares of MRT and Bus. Learn to know ab
    out ezlink, visit
  2. Get the map [13.90S$]. Search Singapore Street Map at
  3. Try to buy a cash card. But it is optional. For more information , please visit
  4. Try to get one hp. Some are using top up phones but some are using plan phone.
    1. Top up phones is for temporary purpose which can buy a card and register an account with your handset. If account runs out, but top up card to add value.
    2. Plan phone cannot be brought by social visit pass holder. Please ask necessary assistant from PR or Citizen or WP,SP,EP holder
  5. Try to get used to the new environment within 1 and ½ days.
  6. Ensure to know how to travel around the country

6. Job Hunting Technique and Recommended Daily Life

As you know, job hunting here is tiring and stressful work. So you need to take a rest. But on the other hand, time is precious because you only get a short period to find a job. So use time effectively.

Here is a one way I employed!

i. Wake up before 6:30 a.m.

ii. Buy that day newspaper (The Strait times ) (80c per daily paper)

iii. Go to classified job section. CAT

iv. List down quickly the suitable job opening and acceptable method of application [email, phone, post, fax]

v. List down walk in interview and make a scheduling according [place, time and day]

vi. 6:30-8:30 a.m. Start apply via email. All the emailable application should finish before 8:30. Apply as early as possible!

vii. 8:30-9:00 a.m Start make a call for job advertisement has only phone no.

viii. 9:00-evening Start going walk in interview, printing, personal affairs etc. When you go out, don’t forget to bring CV, Copy/Org Doc, and Map Book and wear nicely as if you go to interview.

Late evening
Try to make fun, meet with friends and try to forget that day stress and awful experience.

7. Stay Extension (ICA/MOM)

ICA: ICA stands for Immigration Check Point Authorities. Normally, social visit pass can extend stay in ICA. Before your stay exceeds, go to ICA and make extension. The peek time is Mon, Fri and Sat (1/2 day).

You will need the following for stay extension in ICA.

  1. Filled Form 14 [PR should fill and sign in that form] [Appendix C-Form14]
  2. Passport
  3. White Card
  4. PR Card copy and original [sometime PR comes along with]

Go early before office open. Many people are used to going there before 7:30 a.m. When you get there with the documents shown above, queue in first and show your document at the info counter where you can get a queue ticket. When your queue number is called, go to the immigration controller and send your necessary application materials. Sometime the controller immediately give you and extension but usually the ask you to come again in afternoon to collect your passport and your extension! The period of your extension from 1 day, 2 days, 1 week, 2 weeks and up to one month will get from ICA.

MOM: MOM stands for Ministry of Man Power. It works as the Ministry of Labour from Myanmar. You can make an extension in case you run out of stay during your WP/SP/EP application.

The following documents will be necessary.

  1. Passport
  2. White Card
  3. WP/SP/EP application acknowledge slip or Acknowledge Slip from Singapore Post showing Transaction number of your application or only telling your FIN number

MOM is needed not to go so early, not crowded like ICA. It is open 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Get a queue ticket and make an extension within 15 minutes. The period of your extension might be 2 weeks.

ICA or MOM: if you are not applied your WP/SP/EP yet, go to ICA no choice. In other case you can go both. Consider yourself. The period of your extension from 1 day, 2days, 1 week, 2 weeks and up to one month will get from ICA. The period of your extension might be 2 weeks.

8. Accepting Appointment

When you are offered the post you applied and when you accept this offer, you will need to do the following procedure.

  1. Make clarification about
    1. Work nature
    2. Post offer
    3. Job type
    4. Salary
    5. Pass Type Applied, WP/SP/EP?
    6. Bond
    7. Working Hour
    8. Overtime claimable or not
    9. Allowance [Medical/Dental/Safety Insurance/Transportation/Phone]
    10. Bonus
    11. No of SPass Holder in that Company
  2. Application of SPass
    1. Filled the Form [Both of you and your company are necessary to filled this form][Appendix D-EPSPassForm8]
    2. Send it to MOM [Sometime Company do the application. There are two ways of applications: by post or by online].

i) By Post: send the filled application forms with supporting documents to MOM by registered by Singapore Post. Postal Fee is 10 S$

ii) By Online. Visit

For more information, see the following section.

9. SPass Application and Collection

For more information,

  1. Application

SPass application is usually done by your company. If they ask you to send don’t worry, just collect the documents and go the nearest Singapore Post. The postal fee is 10$. But don’t forget to get a copy of the filled form of SPass Application and Receipt Slip from Singapore Post.

  1. Acknowledgement Slip

About a week later, MOM will send an acknowledgement slip to your company. In this slip, there are some important data for you. Your Foreigner Identification Number, FIN and Date of application is shown there.

  1. Checking your Result

You can check your application status by two ways: by Phone and by Online

By Phone: Dial 6438 5122. It is auto-reply. Press number as requested. Enter your FIN and Date of Birth.

By Online: [Date of Application/FIN or Application No will be necessary]

  1. In principle approval Letter

If your SPass is approved, MOM will send in principle approval letter to the company. Ask this letter from Company when you know that you have been approved. There is a medical report form included which you need to go to Medical Check up

  1. Medical Check up

Normally, Categories (H), (T) are necessary for the Medical Check up. (H) for HIV, (T) for Tuberculosis. You need to consult with your company whether they have company doctor for this case and check whether the check up fee is claimable or not. Normally it cost about 40-45 S$. It took about 2-3 days to
get a result.

  1. Collection

After your medical report has been collected, make it into two copies. Keep one for yourself and other for your company. And go to MOM, to collect SPass. The necessary documents are In principle approval Letter, Medical Report, Passport and white card.

Take a Queue Ticket Type U and collect it. MOM Controller will seal 2 weeks extension in your passport (NOT A SPASS). Don’t worry

After that you have to pay SPass fee, 30S$. At the payment counter, you will get a transfer letter to Work Pass Department at Tanjong Pagar to make your SPass Card. They will give you a map to get there.

  1. Making SPass Card

SPass Card can be made after you have got a transfer letter from MOM. Get a queue ticket. Take a photo, 6S$. And go to the controller when your queue is called. They will check your specification, seal in the transfer letter to Work Pass Department from MOM, tear a section of that letter and send you for finger print. And you can collect your Card after 4 working days.

  1. SPass Card Collection

Go to Work Pass Department at Tanjong Pagar with sealed letter to Work Pass Department from MOM after 4 working days.

11. Opening an Bank Account

You need to open a bank account when you get SPass. Your pay will not be in cash but they transfer directly to your account. Since Singapore has many bank, consult with your company which will be a suitable one for you. Most of the Singaporeans have an account at POSB [].

To Open an bank account, go to the nearest Bank Branch with the following:

  1. Passport
  2. SPass card
  3. 500S$ (you need at least 500S$ to open your saving account. But as soon as your account has been opened you can withdraw it.)

The opening hour of banks is from 11:00 a.m. to 7p.m. But check your branch first. Some start open at 8:00 a.m. During your office hour, you may not free to go to bank. So checking opening hour of nearby branch is required to enquire.

Special thanks to zayar oo and Nay Lynn Oo for Sharing this article